Through a popular treatment known as Botox Facial, your provider uses a revolutionary microneedling device to deliver specially compounded dermal fillers, sometimes combined with neurotoxins, directly into the skin.
These products are targeted to specific layers of the skin, which helps stimulate production of collagen and other natural components that make skin look smoother and younger.
This specialized technique can be a valuable tool in helping you reach your appearance goals.

What To Expect During Botox Facial
After a thorough skin evaluation by our expert aesthetician, the treatment involves a series of carefully targeted microneedling, designed to penetrate specific layers of the skin. Specialized dermal fillers hyper-diluted to scientifically set concentrations are placed in the targeted areas.
These may be supplemented with similar injections of neurotoxins. These injections help smooth skin, and they stimulate the production of collagen and other compounds that revitalize skin and make it look younger.
There is minimal discomfort. There may be minimal redness or swelling, but this dissipates quickly. Some treatments may take more than one session. Typically, you can continue your daily routine without any downtime needed for recovery.
What Are The Results Of Treatment?
The dermal fillers will likely create some initial improvement immediately following the treatment, with more improvements and smoother skin appearing in the next two to three weeks as the skin produces collagen as part of the healing process.
We’ll also create a plan for future treatments, as needed, to maintain your appearance gains.
How To Learn More
Schedule your appointment. We’ll evaluate your skin and help you determine the most effective way to meet your appearance goals.
*For information on pricing, please call (240) 907-5009 or email